If your credit or debit card is lost or stolen, we recommend you report it in digital banking by following the steps in this article. This will give you immediate digital access to your new card number so that you can still make purchases while waiting for your physical card to arrive in the mail
You can also report a lost or stolen credit or debit card by phone by calling 1 (866) 300-8423.
If you're using a mobile device, follow the steps below. For computers, go to the desktop steps
From your home screen, select the account connected to the lost or stolen card. For debit cards, this will be under Cash Accounts; for credit cards, it will be under Loans & Credit.
On the account screen, tap Card Services.
Tap Report Card Lost/Stolen.
Verify that the card information is correct, then select how you wish to receive your new card. Tap Continue.
Note: if you wish to have immediate access to a digital version of your new card, select Mail to the Address on file. This allows us to immediately assign you a new card and provide you access to it digitally. For security reasons, immediate digital card access is not available if you select Pick up in branch.
Select whether the card was lost or stolen and tap Submit to complete the process of closing your old card and requesting a new one.
Important: once you tap Submit your old card will be closed. This cannot be undone.
You may be asked to authenticate your account. If so, select how you’d like to receive a special one-time code. Select Request Code.
Enter the code provided and select Next to complete your lost or stolen card report.
If you're using a computer, follow the steps below. For mobile devices, go to the mobile steps
From the left side of the home screen, select the account connected to the card. For debit cards, this will be under Cash Accounts; for credit cards, it will be under Loans & Credit.
From the account screen, click Card Services.
Select Report Card Lost/Stolen.
Verify that the card information is correct, then select how you wish to receive your new card. Click Continue.
Note: if you wish to have immediate access to a digital version of your new card, select Mail to the Address on file. This allows us to immediately assign you a new card and provide you access to it digitally. For security reasons, immediate digital card access is not available if you select Pick up in branch.
Select whether the card was lost or stolen and click Submit to complete the process of closing your old card and requesting a new one.
Important: once you click Submit your old card will be closed. This cannot be undone.
You may be asked to authenticate your account. If so, select how you’d like to receive a special one-time code. Select Request Code.
Enter the code provided and select Next to complete your lost or stolen card report.